Purma Plus - Antique and Vintage Cameras

Purma Plus

c. 1952

Purma Cameras Ltd



Image of Purma Plus

f6.3, 55 mm Purma Anastigmat. Fixed aperture. Coated.

Metal guillotine shutter near the focal plane comprising two metal plates that slide together across the film gate. 3 speeds 1/25, 1/150, 1/500. Spring powered, separate capping blade. Speeds varied by the position of a brass cam which changes the slit width by acting on the second (following) plate. The cam is free to rotate, the position of the camera determines the position of the cam and so the slit width. Flash synchronisation.

Metal body.

16, 1 ¼" x 1 ¼" exposures on 127 roll film. Curved film plane.

Fixed 12' - infinity.

Direct-vision (lens/lens) viewfinder. Finder blacks out when the film is not advanced.
Film advance indicated by two red windows. Coupled to shutter.

Serial Number:
6192 , Number on casting and pencil inscription inside back.


  • Supplementary Lenses: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, in boxes. Supplementary Lens Ring.
  • Filters: Red, Green, in boxes.
  • Lens Hood, box.
  • Instruction book, Queen St. address. "Photographs without fuss", leaflet on the Purma.
  • Lens cap. Ever-ready case.
  • Capacitor Flush Gun. Three cables. Box.

Purma Plus

Late Model

c. 1956

Purma Cameras Ltd



Image of Purma Plus Late Model

f6.3, 55 mm Purma Anastigmat. Fixed aperture. Coated.

Metal guillotine shutter near the focal plane comprising two metal plates that slide together across the film gate. Speeds 1/25, 1/150, 1/500. Spring powered, separate capping blade. Speeds varied by the position of a brass cam which changes the slit width by acting on the second (following) plate. The cam is free to rotate, the position of the camera determines the position of the cam and so the slit width. Flash synchronisation.

Metal body.

16, 1 ¼" x 1 ¼" exposures on 127 roll film. Curved film plane.

Fixed 12' - infinity.

Direct-vision (lens/lens) viewfinder. Finder blacks out when the film is not advanced.
Film advance indicated by two red windows. Coupled to shutter.

Red trim to name plaque, B, I setting plate and speed plate around the viewfinder.

Serial Number:
A12187 , Number on casting and pencil inscription inside back.


  • Supplementary Lenses: No. 2, No. 4, in boxes.
  • Supplementary Lens Ring, box.
  • Instruction book. This has the late address of Hirwaun Industrial Estate. Rhigos. Aberdare. Glamorgan.
  • Lens cap. Ever-ready case.

With the Plus model, Purma returned to using a metal body rather than the plastic of the Special. It was manufactured by Purma Cameras Ltd at their factory in Wales. The shutter is similar to that used in the Special. The finish of the camera was very poor and few are now in good condition. The price reduced over time starting at £12.12.0 in 1952, £11.10.0 in 1953 and £7.19.0 in 1954. The Plus sold in large numbers.

Three versions of the Plus were produced:

  • Original with plain metal body.
  • Second version (c. 1953) having a lens tube of constant diameter rather than a having a larger flange at its front. This model incorporated a safety lock to prevent the shutter from being released when the lens was retracted (i.e. when the lens cap was in place).
  • A red plate carrying the Purma name was added to the face of the camera, and a small red plate carried the I, B markings surrounding the shutter release.

The supplementary lenses were provided without mounts, they were retained on the lens by either the lens hood or a threaded lens ring. Filters were also fitted in this way. The lenses were colour-coded for identification, part of the edge of the lens was painted in the appropriate colour -

  • No. 1 white 18".
  • No. 2 yellow 24".
  • No. 3 green 32".
  • No. 4 red 49".
  • No. 5 blue 66".
  • No. 6 black 120".


  • Flash outfit.
  • Lens hood.
  • Lens ring to hold filters or close-up lenses if lens hood is not used.
  • Filters - Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Red.
  • Close-up lenses numbered 1 to 6, focus 18" - 120 ".
  • Cable release.
  • Ever-ready case.
  • Accessory wallet for 6 supplementary lenses.
  • Accessory holdall, attaches to Ever-ready case and holds wallet, lens hood, cable release and filters.
  • Camera carrying lugs and sling.

References & Notes:
BP 473123/1936. BP 489961/1938. BP 642319/1950 (The patent numbers are stamped inside the removable back of the original model). BP 701368/1953. Blue-Book 1952, p. 7. BJA 1954, p. 568. BJA 1955, p. 560. AP 1/7/1953, pp. 29, S7. AP 6/6/1956, p. 104.

Further Information:
Photographica World no. 111 has a good article on the Plus by David Gardner. Patent GB684684A shows a focal plane camera by A. C. Mayo.

Company Details:

Purma Cameras



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