Company Details

Notes on companies mentioned in the main text together with a few early manufacturers and dealers.


Company Name

Dr. Nagel-Werke

Nagel was formed in 1928 by Dr. August Nagel on leaving Zeiss-Ikon. In 1932 the company became part of Eastman.

BJA 1929, p. 683.


Company Name

T. Naylor & SonsLate 1900s
Alfred Naylor1899 -To after 1900
Edward Naylor1896 -To after 1900
Thomas Naylor1891 - 1896
Thomas Charles Naylor1890

Company Address

203 Shaftesbury Av., London1909 -Showroom. T Naylor & Son only
4 Hanway St., London- 1909T Naylor & Son only
1 Dyott St., London1909 -Works. T Naylor & Son only
28 Cyros St., Clerkenwell, London1899 -Alfred Naylor
29b Percival St., London1896 -E. Naylor
17 Berners Mews, London1898 - 1899T. Naylor
13 Greek St., London1891 - 1896T. Naylor
15 Denmark Pl., Charing Cross Rd., London1890T.C. Naylor

It is assumed that these firms are related. Edgar Scamell is given as the propriety of T. Naylor & Sons. They are listed as manufacturers, probably to the trade. From 1895 Chas. G. Collins is at 13 Greek Street, around 1896/97 the London Camera Co. is at the same address and according to a note in the British Journal of Photography had taken over T. Naylor. A folding bed camera with automatically self-erecting front was patented by T.C. Naylor in 1892.

BJP 10/7/1896, p. 445.

Further Information:
BP 19929/1892.
  • Thomas Charles Naylor, Father: William Naylor b. 1822 Grandfather: Robert Naylor b. 1790
  • Born: 1849
  • Married: Jane Fanny Rose 1869
  • 1869: Cabinet maker
  • 1881: Photo Material Manufacturer
  • 1901: Camera maker
  • 1911: Camera maker

  • Wm. Thomas Naylor, Father: Thomas Charles Naylor b. 1849
  • Born: 1874
  • 1891: Camera maker
  • 1901: Camera maker
  • 1911: Photographic cabinet maker

  • Frederick Harold Naylor, Father: Thomas Charles Naylor b. 1849
  • Born: 1881
  • 1901: Camera maker
  • 1911: Cabinet maker

  • Alfred Naylor, Father: Alfred Naylor b. 1830 Grandfather: Robert Naylor b. 1790
  • Born: 1863
  • 1891: Camera maker

  • Edward Naylor, Father: Alfred Naylor b. 1830 Grandfather: Robert Naylor b. 1790
  • Born: 1870
  • 1891: Camera maker
  • 1911: Camera maker Wood Work


Company Name

Ellanco1925 -
Duke & Neddermeyerc. 1921 - 1925
F.G. Neddermeyer1913 -

Company Address

260 Tottenham Ct. Rd., London1923 - 1926Previously occupied by Blooms
45 Chancery Lane, London1913 -

These firms were agents for German photographic companies but what the relationship between them was is not clear. The dates above are for their involvement in the photographic trade. From 1923 until around 1926 they were the agents for Ernemann, Elephant brand papers and Cellofix paper.

Further Information:
  • Ferdinand Gustav Neddermeyer
  • Born: 1883
  • Married: Edith Emilly Inder, 1911 (London)
  • Died: 2 Aug 1925 of Winifred's Rd. Teddington

Negretti & Zambra

Company Name

Negretti & Zambra Ltd1948 -
Negretti & Zambra1850 - 1948Formed on April 24 1850
Henry Negretti1844 - 1850
Negretti & Co.1844 - 1850
Pizzi & Negretti1843

Company Address

122 Regent St., London1861 -Prior to this date occupied by J.F. Newman, optical instrument maker,
Nicholas Henneman and several other photographers are also recorded
here at the same time (presumably on the top floor).
East side between Glasshouse St. & Regent Place.
W1 postal district from 1917
Later the photographer Hammond is registered here
45 Cornhill, London1872 -Corner premises
38 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1869 - 1941Holborn Viaduct was finished in 1869,
construction had started a couple of years earlier,
demolition of the area started as early as 1863.
The N&Z building was destroyed by bombing in late 1940
Corner of Holborn Viaduct and St. Andrew St.
EC1 postal district from 1917
59 Cornhill, London1859 - 1872
59 & 68 Cornhill, London EC1857 - 1859
2 Charterhouse St., London EC1869 - 1885
153 Fleet St., London EC1863 - 1873This was the former Bland & Long premises, it is probable
that N&Z also took over the stock.
107 Holborn Hill, London EC1858 - 1861
1 Hatton Gdn., London1859 - 1869
11 Hatton Gdn., London1849 - 1859EC postal district from 1857
9 Hatton Gdn., London1844 - 1847
19 Leather Lane, London1843 - 1850Possibly shared occupancy as other barometer makers
are known at this address

Henry (Enrico Angelo Ludovico) Negretti and Joseph Warren Zambra founded Negretti & Zambra in 1850 specialising in meteorological instruments. Negretti had previously been a barometer maker. During the 1850s and 60s they were leading retailers of stereoscopic equipment. In 1918 the firm dropped their interest in optical instruments to concentrate on industrial and aeronautical equipment.

Prior to Pizzi & Negretti, Henry Negretti was working for Jane Pizzi, widow of Valentine Pizzi, from around 1840. He may previously have been at 20 Greville St. as a glass blower.

In the 1880s, and probably before, the manager of the Holborn shop was R. Willats possibly connected with T & R Willats. J.W. Zambra left the partnership in 1892.

N&Z, Centenary. Phot. Dealer Jan/1898, p. 22. Phot. Dealer Mar/1898, p. 68.

Further Information:
  • Enrico Angelo Ludovico Negretti
  • Born: 1817 Como
  • Died: 24 Sept 1879

  • Joseph Warren Zambra
  • Born: 1822 Saffron Walden
  • Died: 23 Dec 1897 leaving an estate valued at £176,075

Neville Brown

Company Name

Neville Brown & Co. Ltd

Company Address

77 Newman St., London1950 -
Caxton House East. Tothil St., London1941 -Move to here took lace on 21/3/1941

PTB Oct/1950, p. 642.

Newgass, Henry

Company Name

Henry NewgassActive 1855 - 1859Importer and apparatus manu. Bankruptcy proceedings started in 1857

Company Address

67 Newgate St., London1857 - 1859
21 Wood St., London1855 - 1857

Lon. Gaz. 13/11/1857. Lon. Gaz. 4/2/1859.

Newman & Guardia

See also Newman & Simpson and Newman & Sinclair.
Diagram showing relationship between the Newman, Adams and Sinclair companies.

Company Name

Newman & Guardia Ltd1896 - c. 1971Ltd from July 1896
Newman & Guardia1891 - 1896

Company Address

60 Berners St., London1956 - c. 1959Later at Harlow
55 Berners St., London1948 - 1956
19 - 23 Wells St., London1938 - 1948
63 Newman St., London W11929 - 1938
17 & 18 Rathbone Place, Oxford St., London W1909 - 1929W1 postal district from 1917
90 & 92 Shaftesbury Av., London W1897 - 1909
92 Shaftesbury Av., London W1893 - 1897Opened Oct/1893
71 Farringdon Rd., London W1891 - 1893
Pine Grove. Tollington Park, London1902 - 1909Factory
106-110 Kentish Town Rd., London NW- 1902Factory

Founded by J. Guardia and Arthur Samuel Newman.

According to W.B. Ferguson writing in the Photographic Journal (Sept. 1936) Newman was working for the microscope maker F & C Robins of Aldersgate St. from 1877. In 1880 he moved to H & E.J. Dale (electricians in Little Britain), when Dale bought out the business of F.J. Cox he transferred to their photographic workshop, this was the period when Jimmy Hare (son of George) was working at Dale.

Newman must have left Dale around 1886 when his newly developed shutter was marketed. In an 1888 advertisement the French firm of A. Laverne & Co. claim to possess the sole rights of the shutter but it was also sold by other companies (including Hinton and Abraham/Adams) so possibly Laverne were wholesalers. From around 1889 Laverne also sold a Newman shutter for detective cameras. Around 1888 Frank Lindsay-Simpson joined Newman to form Newman & Simpson, at this time they were general scientific manufacturers specialising in photographic work. One of their customers was the firm of Robert Abraham (later Adams & Co). The partnership did not last long, Simpson left in 1891 along with, according to Ferguson, their 20 workmen to work for Adams. This was probably the formation of the short-lived firm of Simpson & Hill who were supplying Adams.

Until late 1891 Newman & Simpson were major suppliers to Adams, Newman shutters were mentioned by name in Adams advertisements and Newman and Adams worked jointly on patents. From 1892 the range of Adams products, in particular their cameras, increased significantly. One explanation for the Newman and Adams split is that increased work for Adams would have tied up resources and prevented Newman from developing his own range of cameras and pursuing other routes to market.

Newman then formed Newman & Guardia in 1891, this was noted in the December issue of the British Journal of Photography. Newman left the company in 1908 due to business difficulties arising from the death of Guardia and was later in partnership with J.A. Sinclair.

Newman & Guardia Ltd was wound up in the early 1970s, there was also a Newman & Guardia A-V Sales Ltd that was wound up around this time.

An article in the 1892 BJP notes that there were 40 people working for N&G. Articles in the BJP for 1893 list their range of cameras and show the early Nydia.

In 1909 it was announced that N&G had taken over the patents for the reflex camera sold by Taylor, Taylor & Hobson, existing stock of the camera was to be sold off at a reduced price and a new version would be introduced and sold as the Princess. Nothing seems to have come of this.

The Farringdon St. address is on the west side between Charles St. and Clerkenwell, near Cross St.

At Rathbone Place N&G had their showroom on the first floor, the factory, stores and offices were on the upper floors.

Diagram showing the relationship between the Newman, Adams and Sinclair companies.

BJP 17/1/1896, p. 38. Photographic News 1896. BJA 1907, p. 627. BJP 11/12/1891, p. 800. BJP 14/10/1892, p. 664. BJP Sup. 5/5/1893, p. 63. BJP 13/10/1893, p. 659. BJP Sup. 1/12/1893, p. 116. BJP 2/4/1909, p. 276. Phot. Journal Sept. 1936, p. 514. BJA 1888, pp. 625, 655, shutters. BJA 1890, pp. 185, 847, shutters. Lon. Gaz. 1/3/1907, p. 1498, restructure of directors on 28/2/1907. Lon. Gaz. 26/1/1971, 19/4/1973. BJP 8/1/1909, p. 27, TTH announcement.

Further Information:
  • Arthur Samuel Newman
  • Born: 1861, Hoxton
  • Spouse: Mary
  • Died: 12 Aug 1943, 25 Hornsey Lane, London
  • 1901: Scientific Instrument Maker
  • 1911: Living at 9 Linden Mansions, Hornsey Lane, Highgate N

  • Julio Guardia
  • Died: 25 June 1906, 21 Sheen Gate Gdns., Sheen. Effects £5,586

According to Ferguson, Gilmer, then at Laverne, agreed to sell the shutter if Newman were to manufacture it. Around 1891 Laverne became Clement & Gilmer.

See also an article in Photographica World no. 133 by A. Manthos on the early Newman cameras and the Newman/Adams relationship.

Newman, James

Company Name

James Newman1833 - after 1900Artist's materials supplier, phot. colors etc. from late 1850s

Company Address

24 Soho Sq., London1834 -

Newman & Simpson

See also Simpson & Hill.

Company Name

Newman & Simpsonc. 1888 - 1891

Company Address

71 Farringdon Rd., Londonc. 1890 - 1891
11 Albermarle St., Clerkenwell, Londonc. 1888 - c. 1890
14 St John's Sq., London

The partnership between Arthur Samuel Newman and Frank Lindsay-Simpson was dissolved around Nov 1891.

S.J. Levi & Co. were also at the 71 Farringdon address around 1890.

Lon. Gaz. 4/12/1891. BJP 26/4/1889, p. 289. BJP 8/2/1889, p. 89.

Further Information:
The Newman Detective camera was shown at the North London Photographic Society in 1889. In 1889 a patent application for an iris diaphragm was started by Newman and Simpson (BP 1736), it must have been abandoned at an early stage.

Frank Lindsay-Simpson (Frank L. Simpson) was possibly born in Chile in 1861, for a short period whilst in London he was engaged in electrical work. Died 1901.

Newman & Sinclair

Company Name

Newman & Sinclair Ltdc. 1910 -

Company Address

2 Salisbury Rd., Highgate Hill, Highgate, London NWhittington Works

Founded by A.S. Newman and J.A. Sinclair. Early products included the N&S shutter but the majority of the output was the highly regarded range of cine cameras.

Newman started the Whittington Works in 1909 before the formation of Newman & Sinclair.

BJP 14/5/1909, p. 387.


Company Name

Newton & Co. Ltd.1857 -
Newton & Co.1857 -
Frederick Newton & Co.1857 -At Fleet St
William Edward & Frederick Newton1852 - 1857Opticians and Globe Makers at Fleet St
William & Frederick Newton1851 - 1852Opticians at Fleet St
William Edward Newton, Son- 1849 -Civil Engineer at Chancery Lane
William Edward Newton & Son- 1849 -Patent Agents at Chancery Lane
William Edward Newton & Son- 1849 -Globe Manufacturers at Chancery Lane
Newton, Son & Berry1831 - 1841
J & W Newton- 1831
John Newton- 1780 -

Company Address

43 Museum St., London
72 Wigmore St., London1913 -Also occupied by F.C. Hart makers of arc lamps
37 King St., Covent Gdn., London1913 - 1920
3 Fleet St., London1851 -
66 Chancery Lane, London
97 Chancery Lane, Londonc. 1780 -

The Newtons were an old-established firm working in the diverse areas of globe making, patent agents and as civil engineers. Advertisements claim establishment in 1704. John Newton (b. 1759, d. 1844) worked from 97 Chancery Lane from c. 1780, John's son William (b. 1786, d. 1861) joined the firm forming J & W Newton. Miles Berry joined the firm in 1831 forming Newton, Son & Berry which lasted to 1841. Berry was the patent agent for Daguerre and was issued the first Photographic patent in England. William's son, William Edward (b. 1818, d. 1879) was part of the Fleet St. branch.

The firm was an important supplier of lantern slides and equipment they also sold cameras and equipment during the wet-plate and early dry-plate periods. In 1895 the partnership between Frederick Newton and Herbert Charles Newton was dissolved, the business was continued by H.C. Newton.

In 1920 the two partners in the firm, Herbert Charles Newton (d. 1940) and Russell Stuart Wright separated, Newton continued at the King St. address selling lantern slides and Wright at the Wigmore St. address selling optical instruments, both firms continued to use the Newton & Co. name.

Newton was part of, or associated with, Metropolitan-Vickers from around the late 1940s. M-V and British Thomson-Houston (BTH) were both part of AEI.

An associated company was Newton & Wright (72 Wigmore St.), the two firms operated a combined factory at one point.

Lon. Gaz. 26/3/1895, p. 1894. Lon. Gaz. 14/9/1920. Lon. Gaz. 17/5/1940, p. 2985.

Newton, H.

See also Lloyd, Fred. V.A.

Company Name

H. Newton & Co.1851 - 1891

Company Address

5 South John St., LiverpoolLate 1870s - 1891
11 Jubilee Bldgs., 16 Lord St., Liverpool- 1859 -Advertisements state that there is no front shop
and that entrance to the warehouse is via an alley

Henry Newton ran a wholesale and export business, a full range of items was covered but prominence was given to paper, collodion and chemicals. In the 1870s lenses by the major makers were listed as well as cameras 'made to order by our workmen', given the lack of emphasis given to cameras these were probably sourced elsewhere. In the 1880s their own brand lenses formed a prominent part of advertisements, possibly Newton had taken up lens manufacture on a small scale or they were re-branded. In 1884 Sharp's patent Tripod was advertised, this would be H.B. Sharp who worked at Newtons (BP 3510/1884) and later founded Sharp & Hitchmough. The firm was taken over by Fred. V.A. Lloyd in 1891.

The Perfection camera advertised in 1886 had a revolving back, others included the Liverpool.

Nichols, H.R.

Company Name

H.R. NicholsEst. 1840. Phot. App. Manu.

Company Address

2 St. Jude St., Bethnal Green Rd., LondonHere in 1863 and 1867

This firm appears for a few years in advertisements around 1867, they are not present in the street directories.

BJP 1863. BJA 1867.


Company Name

Noakes & Norman1897 -
D. Noakes & Son- 1897Or David Noakes & Son

Company Address

Nelson St., Greenwich, London1890 -Sometimes shown as 23 Nelson St
Billingsgate St., Greenwich, London- 1890

Listed as manufacturers, active in the 1890s and early 1900s.


Company Name

Ogilvy & Co.

Company Address

20 Mortimer St., London1925 -
18 Bloomsbury Sq., London

Agents for Leitz, until c. 1928, and for Franke & Heidecke until 1929. Leitz (London) was at the Mortimer Street address from 1928.


Company Name

Ottewill, Collis & Co.1863 - 1867
Thomas Ottewill & Co.1855 - 1863Or Ottewill & Co.
Ottewill & Morgan1854 - 1855
Thomas Ottewillc. 1851 - 1854

Company Address

23 & 24 Charlotte Terrace, Copenhagen St., London1855 -
24 Charlotte Terrace, Copenhagen St., Londonc. 1851 - 1855Sometimes includes Caledonian Rd. in address

Established around 1851, probably ceased trading in the late 1860s. In an 1867 advertisement, they note that they have been manufacturing for Ross for 15 years and that Mr Collis was previously working for Ross for 13 years. The partnership with William Morgan was dissolved in April 1855. In 1862 Ottewill was discharged from bankruptcy but proceedings were renewed in 1864 and 1865.

Ottewill was with Horne & Co. prior to starting his own firm, this would have been around 1850.

Ottewill cameras, especially earlier models, are of the highest quality both in workmanship and design. During the Ottewill, Collis & Co. period the workmanship is more variable. Most of their cameras were made of Spanish mahogany, though some such as the 'Captain Fowke' camera were available in teak. The Registered Camera of 1853 includes a complicated folding mechanism of his own design.

In the 1861 census, Ottewill states that he employs 21 men, this indicates a substantial output much greater than the number of known cameras carrying his name plate. A substantial, perhaps the bulk, of Ottewill's production must have been for the trade and carried the name plaques of other suppliers, e.g. Ross, Dallmeyer and Negretti & Zambra.

James Collis worked at Ross in the accounts department, in 1867, after he had worked at Ottewill, he was accused by Ross of embezzlement, £20 was offered for his apprehension.

Advertisement in Sutton, 'Calotype Process', 1856. BJA 1867, p. xlii. BJP 31/5/1867, p.254. Lon. Gaz. 21/5/1858, 17/4/1855, 3/1/1862, 18/3/1862, 4/11/1864, 3/3/1865. Notes & Queries 25/6/1853, p. 635.

Further Information:
  • Thomas Ottewill
  • Born: 1821 Maidstone Kent
  • Married: Jane Dyson 1842
  • 1842: Cabinet maker living at Clark's Place Islington (became part of Upper Street near Liverpool Rd.)
  • 1861: Living at Charlotte Terrace. Employed 21 men and 3 boys
  • 1863: 23 Charlotte Terrace Islington, no longer here by 1865
  • 1870: Possibly living at 43 Barbara St. Islington
  • Freemason

Early cameras are in - Sotheby Cat. 20/3/1981 lot 192, single lens stereo using a rail for separation. Christie's Cat. 1/1/2001 lot 348, two-lens stereo. Christie's Cat. 14/5/1992 lot 39, sliding box model.


Company Name

Jacob PacificoActive 1857 - 1864Phot. dealer and artist. Declared bankrupt 1864

Company Address

45 Cannon St., London1863 - 1864
93 Whitechapel Rd., London1859 - 1863
255 Whitechapel Rd., London1857 - 1859

Lon. Gaz. 19/2/1864.


Company Name

Paget Prize Plate Co. Ltd1901 - 1921
Paget Prize Plate Co.1881 - 1901At Ealing until 1889 then Watford

Founded in 1881 by W.J. Wilson and George C. Whitfield. 'Prize' comes from a prize offered by Joseph Paget in 1878 for the best dry plate process which was awarded to Wilson in 1880. Their first plates were called XV, XXX and XXXXX, indicating 15, 30 and 50 times the speed of a wet-plate. The firm became a limited company in 1901 capitalised at £80,000, the directors were G.C. Whitfield, W.J. Wilson, G.S. Whitfield, and E.A. Whitfield. In 1921 they became part of APM, later APEM and then Ilford.

The Paget Duplicating Method an additive colour process was developed by G. S. Whitfield (son of George C. Whitfield) and introduced in 1913.

G. C. Whitfield together with Samuel Robert Lock formed Lock and Whitfield photographers in 1856, they had premises at 178 Regent St. London and 109 King's Rd. Brighton. The partnership was dissolved in 1879. G.C. Whitfield and Lock were also partners in the Woodbury Permanent Photographic Printing Company.

The new factory at Watford opened in early 1890 following a fire at the premises they shared in Ealing. In 1902 a fire destroyed a building at their Watford site.

BJA 1884, clxxxiv. BJA 1890, p. 887. BJA 1918, p. 258. Phot. Dealer Aug 1903, p. 37. BJP 25/4/1890 p. 265. BJP 11 Jan 1918, p. 21. Lon. Gaz. 1 Aug 1879, p. 4765. BJP 13/9/1901, p. 588. BJP 25/4/1902, p. 334.

Further Information:
  • W.J. Wilson
  • Born: 1842
  • Died: 1917

  • George Corpe Whitfield
  • Born: c. 1823
  • Died: 31 Dec 1917
  • 1917: Living at 22 Arlington Rd. Eastbourne

  • George Sydney Whitfield. Son of George Corpe Whitfield
  • Died: 1937

Palmer, Edward

Company Name

Edward Palmer1826 - 1844

Company Address

103 Newgate St., London1837 - 1844Chemist and Philosophical Instrument Maker
115 Fore St., London1832 - 1837Or E & B Palmer. Wholesale chemist
249 Tooley St., London1826 - 1832Chemist and druggist

Philosophical instrument makers and suppliers, Palmer was also an early supplier of photographic equipment, Talbot bought supplies from him. The business, but not the premises, was taken over by Horne, Thornthwaite & Wood in the summer of 1844. W.H. Thornthwaite worked for Palmer.

The partnership between Edward Palmer and his brother Benjamin Palmer of Fore St. was dissolved on 14 Jan 1837.

Thomas Willats was apprenticed to Edward Palmer in 1832. The 115 Fore St. address is that of Benjamin Willats who died in 1832. Charles Albert Long (Bland & Long) was apprenticed in 1843.

Lon. Gaz. 17 Jan 1837, p.126. See Clifton, Sci. Inst. Makers for earlier addresses. 'The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot' (

Further Information:
  • Edward Palmer. Father: Edward Palmer (b. 1770 d. 1831), married Elizabeth Teresa Bates 1799
  • Born: 1 Jul 1803 City of London
  • Married: Jemima Closs Law 1826
  • Died: 9 Dec 1872 Leeds
  • 1824: Freedom of the City Admission Papers
  • 1830: Druggist, Tooley St Southwark
  • 1841: Chemical & Philosophical Inst. Maker, Newgate St. with William Thornthwaite and Thomas Willats
  • 1851: Auctioneer and Estate Agent, St. John's Sq. Clerkenwell
  • Benjamin Palmer (b. 15 Nov 1808) married and moved to Devon at around the time the partnership with Edward ended, he later emigrated to the US.

Park, Henry

Company Name

Henry Park

Company Address

5 Station Bldgs., Acton St., Kingsland Rd., London1890 - 1903
1 Orchard Bldgs., Acton St., Kingsland Rd., Londonc. 1883 - 1890

Predominantly manufacturers to the trade but some cameras carry their own name plaque. Many of their cameras were retailed by Fallowfield, they may also have manufactured for Shew. An advertisement from 1889 says that Park was with Meagher for 7 years, 8 years with Hare and that he has 26 years experience, this would give a date of around 1878 for the start of the firm unless he worked elsewhere for a few years. Another advertisement states that customers were able to choose the particular plank of wood that was to be used to make the camera and that they had around 70,000 square feet of seasoned timber in stock. Cameras could also be made to a customer's own design.

In the census of 1881 Henry Park describes himself as a photographic apparatus manufacturer.

Acton St. was between 296 - 298 Kingsland Rd. Orchard Bldgs. was 1 - 18 Acton St. Station Bldgs. was the same location. In 1882 1 Orchard Bldgs. was occupied by Henry Squire, cabinet and pianoforte maker.

BJA 1884, p. cxxii. BJA 1889, p. 141. Phot. Dealer Aug/1903 p. 28.

Further Information:
  • Henry Park
  • Born: 1848 Hackney
  • Married: Eliza Darch 17 Jun 1876
  • Died: 5 April 1907 effects amounted to £209
  • 1881: Living at 18 Downham Rd. Hackney. Photographic Apparatus manufacturer
  • 1891: 99 De Beauvoir Rd. Dalston. Photographic Apparatus manufacturer
  • 1901: 99 De Beauvoir Rd. Camera maker

Parkinson, W.L.

Company Name

W.L. Parkinson Ltd.1903 -
W.L. Parkinson- 1903

Company Address

62 Dale St., Liverpool

Manufacturers, used the Merito brand name. Registered company from 1903, the first directors were C. Tyler and W. L. Parkinson.

BJP 27/2/1903, p. 171.

Pascal, Frederick

Company Name

Frederick Pascal & Co.Active 1862 - 1864Phot. dealer, photographer

Company Address

7 Windmill Pl., Camberwell Rd., London1863 - 1864
25 Crown Row. Walworth Rd., London1862 - 1863

Patent Dry Collodion

Company Name

Patent Dry Collodion Plate Co. Ltd

Company Address

98 & 99 Lichfield St., Birmingham
Predecessor of the Birmingham Dry Collodion Plate and Film Company.

Paul, R.W.

Company Name

R.W. Paul

Company Address

68 High Holborn, London1900 -Showroom.
114-115 Gt. Saffron Hill, Hatton Gdn., LondonWorkshop
36 Leather Lane, LondonWorkshop
44 Hatton Gdn., London- 1895 -
Muswell Hill, LondonStudio

Scientific instrument maker and very early manufacturer of cinematographic equipment and film maker.

Phot. Dealer July/1900. Phot. Dealer Sep/1900, p. 78, has an article on the company. Phot. Dealer Nov/1902, p 289. Lon. Gaz. 17/11/1899 p. 6913. Barnes, Beginnings of the Cinema in England, provides information on Paul. Christie, Robert Paul.


Company Name

J.B. Payne1874 - 1879
Payne & Chapman1871 - 1874

Company Address

63 Piccadilly, Manchester- 1879

John Buxton Payne was in partnership with J.T. Chapman until 1874, he was later manager at Mawson & Swan. Payne & Chapman took over the business and premises of Robert Hampson in 1871. Before Hampson, 63 Piccadilly was occupied by J.J. Pyne.

Lon. Gaz. 3/4/1874, p. 1994. Lon. Gaz. 28/11/1879, p. 7121. BJA 1927, p. 365.

Further Information:
  • John Buxton Payne. Father: Issac Brown P. Mother: Hannah P.
  • Born: 1846 Knutsford Cheshire
  • Married: Martha Wilde, 1869
  • Died: 13 Jan 1926, Newcastle. Effects £11,470
  • 1879/80: At Mawson & Swan

Pearson & Denham

Company Name

Pearson & Denham1888 -
A.A. Pearson- 1888

Company Address

5 New Station St., Leeds1887 -
44 & 46 Queen's Place, LeedsShown as works after 1887

Listed as manufacturers, from the mid-1880s shutters are shown, later, field cameras are advertised, though in one advertisement the camera shown is clearly by Billcliff. Established in 1875 according to an advertisement.

PA 1894.

Peele, Thomas

Company Name

Thomas Peele

Company Address

13 Bedford St., Manchester- 1871 -Possibly same address as Oxford St
13A Oxford St., Manchester- 1861 -

Thomas Peele (b. Durham 1814) is listed as a Daguerreotype artist in 1851 and as a photographic apparatus manufacturer from 1861 to after 1873.

Peeling & Van Neck

See also Goerz Optical Works Ltd. and Van Neck.

Company Name

Peeling & Van Neck Ltd.1920 -Still listed in 1942
Peeling & Van Neck1919 - 1920
R.E. Peeling1916 - 1919

Company Address

Conniston Works. 125 - 153 Gordon Rd., High Wycombe1940 -Works
6 Holborn Circus, London1942 -
4-6 Holborn Circus, London1921 - 1941
6 Holborn Circus, London1917 - 1921
32 Gray's Inn Rd., London1919 - c. 1927Formerly the Van Neck address

Formed by R.E. Peeling and Frank Van Neck but described as 'formerly Goerz Optical Works', in the years immediately following World War I they produced the British Anschütz camera and later the VN Press camera. They were importers and distributors for Goerz from 1923 to 1927, Voigtländer from 1927 to 1933 as well as Deckel and Foth. The post-World War II firm of Peeling & Komlosy, the distributors of Zeiss-Ikon, were probably connected.

Peeling worked for Goerz Optical from as early as 1904, when Goerz was wound up in 1917 he took over one of the offices and business interests of Goerz.

Further Information:
  • Robert Edward Peeling
  • Born: 11 Oct 1883
  • Married: Edith Maud Wagg 1915
  • Died: 1967 effects £63,430
  • 1919: Living at 238 Victoria Rd. Alexandra Park
  • 1939: Living at 66 Valance Rd.

  • Frank Lionel Milton Van Neck. Born Neck, van was adopted
  • Born: 25 Aug 1873
  • Married: Annette Rachel Howcroft 1899
  • Died: 8 Mar 1953, effects £15,634
  • 1911: Manufacturing optician living at 48 Honeybrook Road, Clapham Park
  • 1931: Living at Norman Cottage, Cookham


See also Hunter's Ltd.

Company Name

Hunter-Penrose-Littlejohn Ltd.
Hunter-Penrose Ltd.1927 -
A.W. Penrose & Co. Ltd.1906 - 1927
A.W. Penrose & Co.1893 - 1906

Company Address

109 Farringdon Rd., London1901 -
8, 8a Upper Baker St., Clerkenwell, London- 1901Baker St. and Upper Baker St. ran into Lloyd Square
and are now known as Lloyd Baker St

Suppliers of printing and process equipment. From 1927 Penrose became Hunter-Penrose. The firm was founded in 1893 by Andrew Wybrant Penrose (d. 1918) and William Gamble.

In the early 1960s merged with S.R. Littlejohn to form Hunter-Penrose-Littlejohn. Later, mid-1960s, merged with Johnsons of Hendon to become Johnsons-HPL.

BJP 25/10/1918, p. 484.


Company Name

Kombinat VEB Pentacon1968 -
VEB Pentacon1964 - 1968
VEB Kamera und Kinowerke1959 - 1964

Merger of VEB Kamera-Werke Niedersedlitz (KW) and VEB Kinowerke Dresden (Zeiss-Ikon).

Perken, Son & Rayment

Company Name

Perken, Son & Co. Ltd1900 -To after 1940
Perken, Son & Co.1900
Perken, Son & Rayment1887 - 1900
Lejeune & Perken- 1887Earliest ref. is 1854

Company Address

94 Hatton Gdn., London EC11920 -
99 Hatton Gdn., London EC1886 - 1920EC1 postal district from 1917
24 Hatton Gdn., London EC1870 - 1880
101 Hatton Gdn., London EC1865 - 1886
112 & 113 Gt. Saffron Hill, London EC1865 - 1887
141 Oxford St., London EC1892 - 1896Then occupied by Moult Bros. 'West End Photographic Stores'
15 Wine Office Court, London1856 - 1865Importers of optical instruments
Temple Chambers 126 Chancery Lane, London1854 -

Advertisements claim establishment in 1852, in 1854 they were described as importers of foreign goods. They are known to have made cameras and lenses for other companies; one camera exists with the label "Lejeune & Perken made for J.T. Chapman" and lenses were supplied to M.W. Dunscombe.

The partnership between E. Perken and T. Lejeune was dissolved in 1873 though the Lejeune & Perken name continued. Louis Edmond Perken retired from the partnership at the end of 1889, at the same time E.T. Perken became a partner in the firm along with F.L. Perken and Arthur Rayment.

Rayment was listed as a Director of 'Paul's Animatographe Ltd', shares in this company were offered to the public in 1897, the take-up could not have been as expected as the company did not trade and was dissolved in 1899. Both R.W. Paul and Perken, Son & Rayment had premises in Hatton Garden which may explain the involvement of Rayment in this venture, it could indicate a stronger business relationship between the two firms.

Perken, Son & Rayment was dissolved at the end of 1899 when Arthur Rayment left the partnership, the business was continued as Perken, Son & Co. from 1/1/1900 by Frederick Louis Perken and Edgar Theodore Perken. The company was registered in March 1900 with capital of £1000. Rayment must have been part of the partnership for a fixed period, his leaving was described as 'determined by effluxion of time'. Following his departure he set up as an agent and distributor for photographic goods.

Optimus was a brand name used by the company.

BJA 1912, p. 239. Photographic News 2/10/1896. Lon. Gaz. 23/1/1874, p. 311. Lon. Gaz. 28/1/1890 p. 503. Lon. Gaz. 12/1/1900. BJP 4/5/00, p. 286. Christie, Robert Paul.

Further Information:
  • Louis Edmond Perken
  • Born: 1830 Paris France. Naturalised British Citizen 1872
  • Married: Mary Cox 1854
  • Died: Jan 1907

  • Frederick Louis Perken. Son of Louis Edmond Perken
  • Born: 8 Nov 1862 Putney
  • Married: Lydia Firminger 1890
  • Died: July 1944
  • 1881: Assistant Optician living at 14 Canterbury Rd. Lambeth
  • 1891: Manufacturing optician
  • 1911: Living at 22 Underhill Road, E Dulwich
  • 1939: 52 Maltravers St. Arundel

  • Edgar Theodore Perken. Son of Louis Edmond Perken
  • Born: 1865 Clapham
  • Died: July 1942
  • 1911: Living at 76 Woodvale, Forest Hill
  • 1939: Maltravers St. Arundel

  • Arthur Rayment
  • Born: 12 July 1847
  • Spouse: Sarah
  • Died: 1922
  • 1881: 11 Manby Rd. Traveller optician
  • 1891: 35 Hamfirth Rd. Maker of scientific instruments
  • 1900: 125 Earlham Grove, Forest Gate. Wholesale optician

Perry, Frederick

Company Name

Frederick Perry & Co.Active 1859 -Phot. warehouse

Company Address

11 Bloomsbury Mkt., London1859 -

Petschler [Manchester Photographic Co.]

Company Name

The Manchester Photographic Co. (Limited)1865 - 1868
H. Petschler & Co.

Company Address

82 - 84 Market St., Manchester- 1868
84 Market St., Manchester- 1868

The partnership between Petschler and Benjamin Consterdine, trading as H. Petschler & Co., was dissolved in 1862. The business continued under the same name and later under the name of The Manchester Photographic Co. (Ltd). Petschler was made bankrupt in 1866. The Manchester Photographic Co. (Ltd) was wound up in 1868.

Lon. Gaz. 10/6/1862, p. 3007. Lon. Gaz. 23/11/1866, p. 6457. Lon. Gaz. 7/4/1868, p. 2125.

Further Information:
  • Helmuth Carl Friedrich Martin Petschler. Helmuth Hermann Louis Martin P. and Helmuth Louis Friedrich Martin P. were also used. Father: Carl
  • Born: 1831 Mecklenburg
  • Married: Alice Hadfield Bennett, 1854
  • Died: 1869
A stereo camera by Petschler is shown in Christie's Cat. 26/1/1984 lot 219.

Pexton, Chatham

Company Name

Chatham Pexton

Company Address

46 Gray's Inn Rd., London1911 -Until at least 1928
48 Gray's Inn Rd., London1904 - 1911
368 Gray's Inn Rd., London1899 - 1904
22 Gray's Inn Rd., London1887 - 1899
46 Bryantwood Rd., Drayton Park, Holloway, London- 1887
Garfield Bldgs. 150 Holborn, London1891 -Show rooms

Mainly known for their stock of lanterns but they also listed field cameras for a period.

Phot. Dealer Mar/1899, p. 51.

Phillips, F.G.

Company Name

F.G. Phillips

Company Address

44 Farringdon St., London1925 -
12 Charterhouse St., London- 1925

Agents for Voigtländer until 1927 and for Rodenstock.

BJP 10/5/1918, p. 219.

Further Information:
F.G. Phillips died in 1918.

Photo Appliance Co.

Company Name

Photo Appliance Co.

Photo Appliance produced a lens attachment to hold filters.

YBP 1907-08, p. 541.

Photo Ltd

Company Name

Photo Ltd1897 -

Company Address

33 Thornhill Crescent, Caledonian Rd., London1896Cresco-Fylma
14 Sherborne Ln., London1895Cresco-Fylma
Brighton Rd., Surbiton1893Cresco-Fylma

The company was formed in 1897 with a share capital of £30,000 to 'acquire the inventions of Cresco-Fylma and Hannam Ltd and to manufacture and trade in mounts, albums, cameras and other photographic goods'. Three of the subscribers were A.J.E. Hill (of 13 Haverfield Gdns., Kew), A.A. Barratt and J. Hannam. Photo Ltd was issued two patents in conjunction with Albert John Eves Hill one for a camera the other for embossing prints. They sold equipment under their own name, e.g. the Kalos shutter (which was also sold under the Adams & Co. name). Their registered address was given as 72 & 74 Gray's Inn.

In 1901 the company went into voluntary liquidation. In 1903 it was sold to MacLaurin & Co. Ltd. J.P. MacLaurin, who had previously worked at Photo Ltd, was manager of the company, the directors were M. Strickland, J.P. MacLaurin, and G.C. Strickland.

A.J.E. Hill is sometimes described as manager of Cresco-Fylma Co. of Kingston. Patents were issued jointly to Hill and Barratt for a type of gelatine film that would expand during processing thus producing larger images, this was produced by Cresco. The secretary of Cresco-Fylma is shown as Harry Allen.

An advertisement from 1892 shows Cresco-Fylma Enlarging Solution to be available from the patentees - Hill Bros. & Freeman at Victoria Rd. Surbiton.

Phot. Dealer Jan/1898, p.22. Phot. Dealer Jul/1903, pp. 7, 19. BJA 1893, p. 767, Cresco. BJA 1894, p. 991, Cresco. Phot. Dealer Apr/1898, p. 109, Cresco. AP Annual 1892. BJP 12/4/1901, p. 236. BJP 19/6/1903. p. 492. BJP 26/6/1903, p. 515.

Further Information:
  • Albert John Eves Hill
  • Born: 10 Sep 1865 Surbiton
  • Married: Alice Mary Leslie Shephard 1901 Twickenham
  • 1892: living at 4 Clifton villas, Clifton Hill, Norbiton
  • 1894: living at Brighton Rd. Surbiton
  • 1895: living at 10 Palmer Crescent Kingston-on-Thames
  • 1911: living at 168 Market Street, Eastleigh
  • Freemason

  • Alfred Allen Barratt
  • 1890s: living at Cleygate Vicarage, Esher

Cresco-Fylma and Hannam Ltd. was incorporated in 1895. BT 31/6387/45108.

British patents - 16125/1891. Enlarging photographs. Hill. 19810/1893, 15217/1894. Enlarging photographs. Hill, Barratt. 15935/1895. Photo reliefs. Hill, Barratt. 11/1898. Camera. Hill, Photo Ltd. 19817/1899. Embossing photos. Hill, Photo Ltd.

Photochromoscope Syndicate

Company Name

Photochromoscope Syndicate Ltd.1896/97 - 1899Photographer

Company Address

Holbein House, 121 Shaftesbury Av., London1897 - 1899
Holbein House, 119 Shaftesbury Av., London1897
28 The Pavement, Clapham, S.W., LondonWorks

Lon. Gaz. 14 July 1899.

Photographic Apparatus & Chemical Co.

Company Name

Photographic Apparatus & Chemical Co. Ltd1887 - 1889

Company Address

15 Barbican, LondonAnd Australian Av. Probably a corner premises

Briefly listed in the late 1880s as manufacturers and dealers with a wide range of stock. The Barbican and Australian Av. addresses were previously occupied by J.M. Copeland, photographic dealer. The stock, goodwill etc. of the company was sold to G. Houghton in 1889 for £630. Philip Mordaunt is shown as manager.

Lon. Gaz. 27/8/1889, p. 4698. Lon. Gaz. 11/7/1890, p. 3867.

Further Information:
Copeland, Houghton.

Photographic Artists' Co-operative Supply Association

Company Name

Photographic Artists' Co-operative Supply Association1877

Company Address

43 Charterhouse Sq., London1877 - 1890Except for the years 1884 - 1885
South side of Square, nearer to Aldersgate
251 Goswell Rd., London1878 - 1881
91 Gracechurch St., London1889 - 1890

PACSA was registered on the 5th February 1877 with the purpose of manufacturing and dealing photographic goods, they purchased the goodwill, plant, and stock-in-trade of Chambers and Co. and the Uranium Dry-Plate Company. Capt. Herbert Kerr (of Chambers & Co.) was appointed managing director.

The Kelly directories list the PACSA as at the Charterhouse address from 1877 to 1890, they are also listed at 251 Goswell Rd (which is close to Charterhouse Square) from 1878 to 1881. In 1879 the secretary is shown as Capt. H. Kerr later as E. Huntley and by 1889 as T.V. Nolan with W. Whittingham as M.D.

A winding up order was issued in 1883/84 stating that the assets of the company were to be sold including the factory at 43 Charterhouse. This corresponds to a period when they are not listed in the Kelly Directory. Following that period they, or a similar concern, re-surface at the same address (the company numbers differ, the later company was incorporated in 1884. The Board Trade records show the later name without the apostrophe but other listings show the same name as the first company).

PACSA stated that they either manufactured items or purchased from the manufacturers for retail to their customers. They operated somewhat like a co-operative, people would buy an entrance ticket (5 shillings) and at the end of the year excess profits were distributed amongst ticket holders who had purchased goods to a total value of £20 or more. PACSA was a limited company with a paid-up capital of £8,500, which is a very large amount. Since a dividend of 5% was paid to the shareholders there may not have been much to distribute to the ticket holders.

Herbert Kerr was in partnership with George Mason trading as William Chambers & Co. manufacturers of photographic paper. The address was 251 Goswell Rd. The partnership was dissolved in Oct 1873.

BJP 16/2/1877, p. 83. Phot. Journal 1879, p. xi. Lon. Gaz. 27/2/1883. Lon. Gaz. 31 Oct 1873 p. 4792. BJP 23/2/1883, p. 109. BT 31/2311/11183. BT 31/3332/19790.

Photographic Artists' Supply Association

Company Name

Photographic Artist's Supply Association Ltd.

Company Address

43,44,45 Charterhouse Sq., London1890 - 1898
91 Gracechurch St., London1890 - 1898

Also known as W.B. Whittingham & Co. The company name and address are very similar to the previous entry with which Whittingham was also associated. There was also a Charterhouse Press run by Whittingham.

Optical Magic Lantern Journal 1/6/1890, p. vi.

Photographic Association

Company Name

Photographic Association Ltd.1899 - 1904
Photographic Association1897 - 1899

Company Address

16 Brook St., Hanover Sq., London1896 - 1904

The Kelly directories list this company as Photographic Artists but they must have also sold cameras including the Binocular camera (Carpentier Photo-Jumelle). The association was run by William John Le Couteur, who was also listed as a photographer at this address in 1899. The business was incorporated in 1899 with capital of £25,000, an enormous figure. Whilst a limited company, the secretary was listed as John Samuel Harvey. The company was placed into receivership in 1902, a Mr Robertson was appointed by the court as manager.

John Barnes notes that the association was run on a subscription basis, for the yearly fee members were entitled to access the facilities (studio, darkroom etc.) at 16 Brook street.

A.C. Bromhead states that he worked for Le Couteur at Brook Street from 1895 to 1898 and that it was here that he first met Louis Gaumont, Bromhead later ran the Gaumont agency in Cecil Court.

Le Couteur was made bankrupt in 1904, proceedings had started in 1899. Possibly connected with the Cricine Company Ltd. of 312 Regent Street. Another Le Couteur company was Chrono Co Ltd, Photographic printers and Photographers, registered in 1898 and struck off in 1900.

Phot. Dealer Mar 1899 p. 69. Phot. Dealer Dec 1899 p. 158. Lon. Gaz. 26 Oct 1900, p. 656. BJP 19/9/02, p. 758. Edinburgh Gazette, 11/10/1904. p. 1075. Barnes, The Beginnings of the Cinema in England Vol. 4.
See Phot. Dealer Dec 1898 for a description of the court case brought by Le Couteur against the Duke of Manchester.

Further Information:
  • William John Le Couteur
  • Born: 1857 Liverpool
  • Married: Annie Jane Jubb, 1883 divorced 1896. Adultery by William John Le Couteur
  • Married: Maude Rogers, 1896
  • Died: 1905

Photographic Institution

Company Name

Photographic Institution1850s

Company Address

168 New Bond St., London

This was a name used by Joseph Cundall and his various partners, they were predominantly photographers and publishers but also supplied photographic goods. Their prices for photographs are interesting, an untouched portrait was priced at one guinea, a coloured military portrait 'extra finished, large size' cost 10 guineas.

Books by Joseph Cundall: The Photographic Primer for the use of Beginners in the Collodion Process. Illustrated with a facsimile of a photographic picture, 1854.

Further Information:
Further details on Cundall are in B. & P. Heathcote, A Faithful Likeness.

Piggott, John

Company Name

John Piggott Ltd1902 - To after 1916
John Piggott- 1902From before 1880

Company Address

117 & 118 Cheapside, London1900 -To after 1916
117 Cheapside, London1888 - 1900
115 116 & 117 Cheapside, London1884 - 1888
116 & 117 Cheapside, London1882 - 1884
116 Cheapside, London- 1882From before 1880
1 2 & 3 Milk St., London1904 -To after 1916
1 & 2 Milk St., London1888 - 1904

Piggotts was a tailor and drapers shop that expanded to supply boots and clothing accessories, later sporting goods were added along with other accessories and even motorcycles. Cameras started to be retailed in the mid-1890s but ceased around 1910.

For a time Piggott used the trade mark 'My Tailor My Hatter My Hosier My Bootmaker'. For a few years 'My Camera' was also included.

Further Information:
  • John Piggott
  • Born: 1848
  • Spouse: Charlotte
  • Died: 1922

Milk St. is a road off of the north side Cheapside. 117 Cheapside was on the west corner where it is joined by Milk Street, 116 was on the east corner. Around 1888/89 116 Cheapside is no longer listed in directories and probably became 1 Milk Street. There is a woodcut of the Piggott building in the Kelly Post Office directory for 1884.

Piggott, Wm.

Company Name

Wm. P. Piggott & Co.1850 - 1864Opticians, instrument makers
Piggott, Weare & Co.1849
Piggott & Boddy1847 - 1849
Wm. Peter Piggott1838 - 1847

Company Address

523 Oxford St., London1847 - 1864
3 Gt. Carter Lane, Doctors Commons, London1847 - 1849Sited at corner of Wardrobe Pl. Probably same building
11 Wardrobe Pl., Doctors Commons, London1839 - 1847Doctors Commons was between
Upper Thames Street and Gt. Knightrider St.
Demolished in 1867
13 Arnold Pl., London1838 - 1839
16 Argyle St., Regent St., London1859 - 1861Possibly a private address

The partnership between Richard Weare, Wm. P. Piggott and Thomas Weare, watch makers, opticians and mathematical instrument makers of Birkenhead and Oxford St. London, was dissolved in 1849. The partnership between Wm. P. Piggott and Thomas Body, opticians and mathematical instrument makers of Wardrobe Place and Oxford St. was dissolved in 1849.

Lon. Gaz. 6/3/1849. Lon. Gaz. 20/11/1849.

Further Information:
  • William Peter Piggott. Father: Peter William Piggott Math. Inst. Maker
  • Born: 1815 Newington, Surrey
  • Spouse: Frances Rosser
  • Died: 1901
  • 1829: Apprenticed to his father
  • 1841: Math. Inst. Maker Living at Wardrobe Pl. with apprentices Frederick Cooke and Thomas Boddy
  • 1851: Optician. Living at 523 Oxford St. with wife and Charles Smith apprentice
  • 1861: Medical galvanist. Living at 16 Argyle St.

Platinotype Company

Company Name

Platinotype Company Ltd1924 - 1931
Platinotype Company1879 - 1924

Company Address

66 High Rd., Penge, London.1922 -
66 Beckenham Rd., Penge, London1914 - 1922Possibly the existing works address
22 Bloomsbury St., London1895 - 1914This is the same building as the previous address,
Charlotte St. Bedford Sq. became part of Bloomsbury St.
1 Charlotte St., Bedford Sq., London1894 - 1895
29 Southampton Row, London- 1894Here before 1883

Founded in 1879 by William Willis the inventor of the platinotype process (first patented in 1873 and introduced around 1879. BP 2011/1873). The partnership between Willis and Herbert Bowyer Berkeley was dissolved in 1884. The company was wound up in 1931.

The large increase in the price of platinum during World War I made the platinum printing process largely unaffordable, other processes such as Satista paper (1914), were introduced as alternatives.

As well as platinotype paper and materials the company sold a detective camera called the Key (BP 5337/1889).

Lon. Gaz. 8/11/1884, p. 5938; 8/12/1931, p. 7935; 1/7/1932, p. 4326. BJA 1915, p. 496. BJP 25/1/1895, p. 59.

Platt, E.G.

Company Name

E.G. Platt1894 -
Platt & Wittec. 1891 - 1894
E.G. Platt- c. 1891

Company Address

Birkbeck Rd., Ridley Rd., High St., Kingsland, Londonc. 1891 -
38 Alvington Crescent, Shacklewell Lane, Kingsland, London- c. 1891

Suppliers to the trade, established in 1867. They list themselves as brass finishers, bellows makers and optical lantern manufacturers. Around 1891 D.J. Witte was taken into partnership but this lasted only until 1894.

A note in the British Journal of Photography of 1892 states that Platt & Witte have recently completed a camera to take 30" x 30" plates, extending eight feet. The bellows took fifteen of the largest skins of leather that could be bought.

BJP 1892, p. 36. BJP 23/11/1894, p. 750.

Further Information:
Edmund George Platt


Company Name

Chas. Richmond PottingerActive 1853 - 1856Importer of American and French phot. matl. Photographic artist 1855 - 1857

Company Address

41 Ludgate Hill, London1853 - 1856And at Crystal Palace c. 1854


Company Name

Samuel PoultonActive 1858Stereoscopic and print publisher.
Financial problems in 1867 when there is a deed of covenant to pay creditors

Company Address

352 Strand, London1860 -
147 Strand, London1858 - 1860Also at 2 London Rd. Reading

Premier Dry Plate

See also European Blair.

Company Name

Premier Dry Plate Co.

Company Address

21-24 Charles Street, Royal Crescent, Notting Hill, London

Purchased by the European Blair Co. in 1896.

Optical Magic Lantern Journal 12/1896, p. xx.

Prestwich, J.A.

Company Name

Prestwich Manufacturing Co.1898 -
Moto Photo Supply Co.- 1898

Company Address

1 Lansdowne Rd., Tottenham1900 -
744 High Rd., Tottenham- 1900

John Alfred Prestwich was an engineer and manufacturer of early cinematographic equipment.

Phot. Dealer Jan/1898, p. 8. Phot. Dealer Mar/1900, p. 68.

Prestwich, W.H.

Company Name

W.H. PrestwichPhotographer

Company Address

62 Brunswick Place, London1884 - 1885
98 Cheapside, London1879 - 1884
30 St. Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington, London1876 - 1877
155 City Rd., London1872 - 1893
1 St. Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington, London1870 - 1876

William Henry Prestwich was the father of John Alfred Prestwich.

Further Information:
  • William Henry Prestwich
  • Born:1832
  • Died: 1912
  • 1871: Living at 1 St. Mary Abbott's Terrace
  • 1901: Living at 744 High Road Tottenham

Price, Hill & Co.

Company Name

Price, Hill & Co.

Company Address

4 Berry St., Clerkenwell Rd., London

Formed around 1897 by Edwin Gladstone Price and Henry Hill, a patent was granted to the firm in that year.

There would seem to be a connection between 'Price, Hill' and 'Price, Talbot'. Henry Hill is the same person who collaborated with A.L. Adams. In 1901 E.G. Price started a metal-working firm called The Mechanical Construction Co. based at Cross Deep Twickenham.

The brand name 'Kalos' is sometimes used by the company.

Phot. Dealer Feb/1901, p. 88.

Price, Talbot & Co

Company Name

Price & Co.1891 -
Price, Talbot & Co.1890 - 1891Also styled Ludgate Lantern & Photo Stores

Company Address

26 Ludgate Hill, London EC1890 -

Price, Talbot, described as camera manufacturers, took over the 26 Ludgate Hill premises of H. Dale & Co. Price, Talbot was wound up in July 1891. Either the winding up took a long time or the company was reconstituted as another winding up meeting was held in 1896 this time at 4 Berry St, the premises of Price, Hill & Co. The Scientific Appliance Manufacturing Co. Ltd trading from the same address may have been connected.

Lon. Gaz. 26/11/1889, 6/11/1891, 15/9/1896.

Prince, Wm. Banks

Company Name

Wm. Banks PrinceActive 1863 - 1865Phot. dealer

Company Address

3 Skinner St., London1863 - 1865

Purma Cameras

Company Name

Purma Cameras Ltd

Company Address

Hirwaun Industrial Estate. Rhigos, Aberdare. Glamorgan
Kirby St., London
7 Queen St., Mayfair, London

Purma Cameras Ltd. head offices were in Queen St. Mayfair, Kirby St. then Sutton and later Glamorgan. Joseph Terrett, named on some Purma patents, had an address in Kirby St. William Barton Wood, a patentee of a Purma camera that was not put into production, had an address in Sutton.

Purser, Henry F.

Company Name

Emil Busch Optical Co.1905 - 1914
Busch Camera Co.1903 - 1905
Henry F. Purser and Brother Ltd.1921 -Until at least 1930
Henry F. Purser and Brother1914 - 1921
Henry F. Purser- 1914

Company Address

42 Gray's Inn Rd., London1924 -
35 Charles St., Hatton Gdn., London1903 - 1924From 17 August 1903
31 Hatton Gdn., London1900 - 1903From November 1900
Bowling Green Walk, Hoxton, London- 1903Factory

Purser was the UK distributor for Busch, in 1903 a separate company was set up to handle cameras (Busch Camera Co.) while Henry F. Purser continued to distribute lenses. In 1905 Emil Busch Optical Co. (which incorporated Busch Camera Co.) handled both cameras and lenses. The firm of Henry F. Purser remained in business after the creation of Emil Busch Optical Co. The creation of the Busch Camera Co. corresponds with the purchase of the Mangold Photo Works in 1902 specifically to manufacture cameras.

Phot. Dealer Aug/1902, p. 198. BJP 21/8/1903, p. 676. BJP 20/1/1911, p. 51.

Further Information:
Mangold Photo Works.

Pyne, J.J.

Company Name

J.J. Pyne

Company Address

63 Piccadilly, Manchester

In Slater's directory of 1863 Pyne is described as a pharmaceutical and dispensing chemist and manufacturer and importer of photographic apparatus. Pyne took over the business and premises of George Danson in the mid-1850s, around 1868 the business passed to Robert Hampson.

An advertisement from 1856 lists a full range of equipment and lenses especially French.

Phot. Notes, Jan 1856.

Further Information:
  • Joseph John Pyne
  • Born: 1827 Wellington Somerset
  • Spouse: Mary
  • Died: 24 Mar 1893
  • 1871: Described in the census as a retired chemist. He later turned to stock broking but the 1881 census describes him as retired from that profession also.
A bellows camera on a carrying case (Ross lens 8380, 8391) is shown in Sotheby Cat. 2/3/1979 lot 212.




Addresses sorted by street
