Mamiyaflex C33 - Antique and Vintage Cameras

Mamiyaflex C33


Mamiya Camera Co.


Image of Mamiyaflex C33

f3.5, 65 mm Mamiya-Sekor, iris diaphragm to f32. Interchangeable. Serial no. 577359 .

Seiko leaf shutter, speeds 1 - 1/500, B. X, M flash synchronisation.

Metal body.

12, 6 x 6 cm exposures on 120 roll-film.

Bellows to 11" with 65 mm lens. Scale to 3' for 65 mm and 80 mm, 4' for 180 mm, 3.5' for 105 mm and 135 mm lenses.

Reflex viewing through second lens. Full-size ground glass with fresnel screen. Pointer in finder shows exposure increase as bellows are extended. Magnifier in hood. Direct-vision frame finder in hood. Film advance sets shutter.

Serial Number:
H328714R .


  • f4.5, 180 mm Mamiya-Sekor. Iris diaphragm to f45. X, M flash synchronisation. With lens caps, double lens hood and viewfinder mask. Serial no. 1132758.
  • Lens cap, lens hood and viewfinder mask for 65 mm lens.
  • Ever-ready case.
  • Single Exposure Attachment. For 3 ¼" x 2 ⅜" cut film. Consists of camera back and three single film holders. Instructions, box.
  • Porroflex. Eye-level finder that replaced the waist-level finder. Case.
  • Paramender. Box.

The Mamiyaflex was introduced in 1957, this is a later model of 1965. The camera is unusual in being a twin-lens design with interchangeable lenses. A long bellows extension is provided giving a very close focus. It is a large and slightly cumbersome camera to use but ideal in a studio. A nice feature is the display of exposure factors above the focusing screen, these can also be used to compensate for parallax. The factors for the wide-angle lenses are on a separate removable plastic plate above the screen. A pointer moves across the factor scale as the camera is focused, a dial is set on the camera body to indicate the lens in use. When removing a lens the camera is set to 'unlock', this moves a baffle behind the lens to exclude the light and displays a pointer in the viewfinder. The price was £111 without a lens.

The viewfinder masks for the telephoto lenses are simple metal frames that clip to the outside of the finder, the mask for the 65 mm lens includes a negative lens.

This is an eye-level finder having three mirrors to give an upright image that is not laterally reversed, the image though is quite dark.

The image, above, shows the mirrors within the Porroflex.

A device that fits between a tripod top and the camera. The image is focused with the camera in the lower position, the camera is then raised by a rack and pinion so that the taking lens has the same position as the viewing lens.

Single exposure Attachment
The attachment comprises a back that replaces the normal camera back and single dark slides. A catch on the slide is released to push the plate forward into the film plane.

The exposure factors are displayed in the finder as the bellows are extended.

References & Notes:
Blue-Book, 1968-69, p. 61.


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Mamiyaflex C33