Microflex - Antique and Vintage Cameras



Micro Precision Products

Kingston upon Thames


Image of Microflex

f3.5, 77.5 mm Micromar, iris to f22. Serial no. 14547 .

Viewing lens: f3.2, 77.5 mm. Serial no. 280351 .

Prontor SVS, speeds 1 - 1/300, B. X, M flash synchronisation. EV settings: 2 - 18. Delayed action.

Metal body.

12, 6 x 6 cm exposures on 120 roll-film.

To 3 feet.

Reflex viewing through second lens. Full-size ground glass focusing screen with 25 squares. Magnifier in hood. Direct-vision finder in hood.
Auto-stop on film advance, coupled to shutter. Double exposure and lost exposure prevention. Crank wind. Exposure counter re-sets to 0 when the back is closed.
Removable back. Bayonet mount lens attachments. Depth-of-field scale. Lever on the side of the camera to set shutter without advancing the film.

Serial Number:
14494 .

Lens caps. MPP lens hood. Ever-ready case. Instruction book.

The Microflex was a development of the successful Microcord from MPP of Kingston. The Microcord was brought out in 1952 at a time when import restrictions were in place in the UK and there was a shortage of good-quality cameras. The Cord was based on the Rolleicord II and sold well though production capacity was never very great. In 1959 the Microflex was brought out, this had a lever-wind, a different shutter and a lens from T.T.H. At around this time, import restrictions were lifted and competition increased. To stay in the high-end twin-lens reflex (TLR) market MPP would have had to include features such as metering which was then on the Rolleiflex and substantially increase production and R&D. As a result development of the Microflex did not continue beyond the first model. MPP concentrated its efforts on low-volume technical cameras. The camera was still listed in the Wallace Heaton Blue-Book of 1960/61. The price was £63 which was cheaper than the Rolleiflex T at £75.

References & Notes:
BJA 1960, p. 214; Blue-Book 1960-61, p. 62.

Further Information:
Skinner, MPP Story.


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