Portable Folding Camera - Antique and Vintage Cameras

Portable Folding Camera

c. 1852

Image of Portable Folding Camera

f13, c. 15" Abraham & Co. landscape lens. Washer stop.


Mahogany case, brass fittings.

9" x 7" wet collodion plates or paper negatives held in dark slides.

Two positions for dark slide, rack and pinion on lens.

Rising front.

1 single slide for wet-plates, silver wires at corners.

The lens mount is inscribed Abraham & Company Liverpool, the edge of the glass has a pencil inscription A A & Co L'pool. The front of the mount has a thin washer stop fitted, this alters the aperture from f13 to f16, this could be to alter the exposure or possibly to correct the aperture to the aimed for value of f16. The lens is fitted with a pivoted shutter, unusually the plate has a second pivoted plate mounted on it. The larger plate is used to make an exposure at full aperture, if the smaller plate is used the aperture is reduced to around f27.

To collapse the camera the front panel hinges down and slides free from the two brass hinges, when the dark slide is withdrawn the body collapses inwards. The hinges along the side of the body are stamped 'PM & Co Patent', probably Paul Moore of Birmingham who was active in the 1840s and was awarded patents.

The recess for the dark slide has two shallow indents that accommodate the hinges of double dark slides.

The lens was made by Abraham at a time when G.S. Wood was one of the three partners, he was the brother of E.G. Wood who was a partner at Horne Thornthwaite & Wood and also manufactured under his own name.

References & Notes:
Horne & Thornthwaite, Cat. 1852, p. 7. Knight, Cat. 1853, p. 11.

Further Information:
Information on the Wet Collodion Process.

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